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UK Regional contacts

We have a set of regional IPA groups in the UK. These are useful meeting points for people to share ideas and gain peer support. Email your nearest contact if you are interested in joining a group. If you live some distance from any of the existing groups and you would like to volunteer to be a contact for a new one, please send an email to Jonathan Smith ja.smith@bbk.ac.uk
North Eastvacant 
North WestIndia Amos, ManchesterI.A.Amos@salford.ac.uk
YorkshireAidan Gillespiea.gillespie@leedstrinity.ac.uk
West/West MidlandsRuffin Reljarrelja1@glos.ac.uk
East MidlandsDavid Wilde Nottinghamdavid.wilde@ntu.ac.uk
LondonDonna Shirfield/Beverly Lovelondonipagroup@yahoo.co.uk
East AngliaJoanna Semlyen, NorwichJ.Semlyen@uea.ac.uk
SouthPosition vacant 
South EastDennis Nigbur Canterburydennis.nigbur@canterbury.ac.uk
South WestEmily Hammond, exeterE.R.Hammond@exeter.ac.uk
Mid/West WalesAlison Mackiewicz, Aberystwythalm53@aber.ac.uk
North WalesJaci Huws, Bangorj.huws@bangor.ac.uk
South WalesClare BennettBennettCL3@cardiff.ac.uk
ScotlandPaul Flowers, Glasgowp.flowers@gcal.ac.uk
N. IrelandKate Russo, Belfastk.russo@qub.ac.uk