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News and events

 One day online introductory IPA workshop: Mon 25th November 2024 by Jonathan Smith

(3pm-9pm, USA Eastern Time), (8pm-2am, UK Time), (7am-1pm, Sydney Time).

Places are still available. Link: https://tqr.nova.edu/jonathan-smith-ipa-workshops-2024/

Organized through Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA.



Communication and family experience in the Intensive Care Unit: Interesting funded PhD opportunity in London (including IPA component) 

(Readvertisment)   https://www.ucl.ac.uk/work-at-ucl/search-ucl-jobs/details?jobId=22341&jobTitle=Bloomsbury+Colleges+Studentship

The PhD will be a detailed examination of communication processes and family experience of being in the Intensive Care Unit. It will be using IPA and ethnography so you must want to use this mixed methods approach. However we only expect someone to have had some prior knowledge/experience of one of the approaches and you will get training in both. The studentship is fully funded covering tuition fees and living expenses. It may be of interest to people who have completed an MSc using one of the two approaches or to students currently carrying our their MSc research. Closing date: 15 May 2024

More information and details of how to apply: 


Please email me if you wish to discuss further.  Please also circulate to anyone else you think may be interested.

Jonathan Smith  ja.smith@bbk.ac.uk 



Online introductory workshop on IPA

Jonathan Smith will be conducting online introductory workshops on IPA on:

  • Thurs 2 May (Americas time zones)
  • Thurs 6 June  (Europe/Africa time zones)


The two workshops are at different times to facilitate attendance from different parts of the world but you can attend either. We are hoping to do another workshop later in the year in Asian/Australasian time zones but this is not yet confirmed. These are organized through The Qualitative Report, Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA





Changing some of the terminology for analysis in IPA

While we have been working on the two new IPA books described below, we decided this was an opportunity to change some of the terminology used to describe analysis in order for the terminology to more clearly reflect what is being done. We are not changing the process just the terms used to describe the process. 

The main change is that what used to be described as emergent themes are now called experiential statements because we consider that this is a better term for this stage of the analytic process. The other change we are making is a clearer delineation of our use of the term theme in subsequent stages. A collection of related experiential statements now makes up a Personal Experiential Theme (PET). So, in old parlance, emergent themes were clustered to form superordinate themes. In new parlance, experiential statements are clustered to make Personal Experiential Themes.

 We have taken care to explain and demonstrate the new terminology to colleagues and students, and have been reassured that they understand and prefer it. If you are new to IPA or in the early stages of an IPA research project, we would advise you to use the new terminology. However, if your analysis is well under way, we think you can use either the old terminology or change to the new. It may be a good idea to discuss this with your supervisor/advisor. We realize that both sets of terms will be used, and that many researchers will also draw on methods papers and chapters outside of this text to develop their research plans.

Full details of the new terminology and worked examples of their use in practice are provided in both the new books:

Smith JA , & Nizza I (2021)  Essentials of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Washington DC: APA. 

Smith JA, Flowers P, Larkin M (Jan 2022) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. London: Sage (2nd ed-extensively revised)

Information There is now an IPA listing on Google Scholar profiles. if you are currently using IPA, and particularly if you have some publications, please consider adding interpretative phenomenological analysis to your Google Scholar profile to help further enhance the IPA community.


Past events

9 December 2021 APA Virtual salon: “What’s the Difference? A Conversation Comparing Approaches to Qualitative Analysis.” 

ORGANIZER: Ruthellen Josselson
PRESENTERS: Virginia Braun, Phil Hammack, Heidi Levitt, Jonathan Smith, Fred Wertz

This event is set up for discussion of similarities and differences across different methods but it may be of interest to some IPA researchers

16 July        Jonathan Smith, Invited speaker at BPS qualitative section webinar  Title of talk: "Travelling through time: using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to examine temporal process in personal experience"

Sept           Interview with Jonathan Smith In the Psychologist  (You might be interested in reading this)

28- 30 September    Introductory and advanced training workshops in IPA by Jonathan Smith (online)  Organized by The Qualitative Report, Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA.  ** Registration is now open for the introductory workshop and there are places.      **THESE WORKSHOPS ARE NOW FULL**

Friday 22nd October  There will be a launch webinar for the new IPA  book [Smith JA , & Nizza I (2021)  Essentials of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis at 12 Noon Eastern USA time/ 5pm UK time. Click here for further details and to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KU7WH3iNScOl2vs4U9Nyyg   This book is a short basic introduction to IPA in an APA  series on qualitatitative methods.